Thursday, August 20, 2015

I am off!

So I am on my way! It was kind of a bumpy start but I feel that I have all that I need with a little space and poundage to come back. It is hard to pack for 3 months but I hope I have done a good job. I am just waiting in the airport now! My plane was a little delayed but it gave me the opportunity to make my blog post before I left! I am a little nervous about the start of this big trip. I mean I am traveling for 11 hours to a very foreign country but then I realize that I am going to the one place I have always wanted to travel to so it can't be too bad! I will be excited to keep you all updated! Well Happy Travels, for me at least!

- Sarah


  1. Nothing like "hurry up and wait!' Hope the delay was not too long!! (And if you weren't a little nervous, we'd wonder if you were a robot!! Nerves are okay - they keep up on our toes!!)

  2. It will be great! Anything new that pushes us a bit out of our comfort zone is always a little tricky, but that's how ya know you're in for adventure & growth! xox
